Monday, September 7, 2015

This is quick, but it needs to be said. Properly dispose of you're fishing line.
There is nothing more infuriating or dangerous in the sport of fishing than carelessly discarded line. Not only is it bad form to litter but loose line can also kill animals and become a general nuisance for anyone or anything using a lake's shore. I can't tell you how many times I've tripped over or gotten tangled up in loose fishing line. Often in a spot I've been to several times before.
Now I know that knots in your line or bird's nests are thoroughly annoying and sometimes you can't just help but tear it all off the reel and dump it on the ground in frustration. I fully understand. However, after the moment has cooled, consider going back to the line and balling it up in your pocket. There are many ways to dispose of used fishing line now a days that present a far better alternative to littering. Just off the top of my head I can think of a cardboard box in Walmart that lets anglers dump their scrap line safely.
Ok, so I know this was a bit of a rant but that is only because of the severity of this issue. We're fishermen. We get to enjoy the outdoors in a fun and unique way. So lets not go off and ruin it for everyone else.

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