Saturday, September 19, 2015

Fall Fishing

For those of you too busy hunting to keep up with fishing during the fall, let me fill you in. You are missing out! This, more than any other time of year, is the best time to catch big numbers of fish from many species. With winter on the horizon fish are starting to feel the need to eat in order to fatten up so that they can survive the impending cold. This ravenous hunger is drawing out even the most reclusive predators, like lake trout, and spinning them into schools who patrol relatively shallow water(10-20ft) in search of baitfish schools. If anyone desires success this fall get out and ask around where the bite is. The fish patrol relatively small areas, where the bait is, so if people are talking then there is a good bet the intel is still solid. Throw fast moving lures like crankbaits and topwaters in order to elicit a flurry of reaction strikes. Don’t forget that you need to match the hatch. The fish may be aggressive, but they aren’t stupid. On heavily pressured lakes giving any fish reason to question a lure can lead to immediate shut down of the feeding frenzy. Not, as I'm sure you’ll agree, an amenable situation. But don’t let trivialities discourage you. Put down that gun and grab a rod. The fish are a callin’!

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